Constructing Cognition -

The project investigates the potential co-existence of Ai and Architecture.

Using drones flying autonomously, the study is exploring the possibility of automated inspection of the construction site. Starting by scanning the place using photogrammetry and with various computer visions techniques geometrical anomalies will be analysed and categorised in a physical and digital format.

 User would be then able to review the faults in a virtual environment created and customised according to his needs and take decisions further.

This study opens the discussion of how artificial intelligence and specifically computer visions can have a different architecture impact, reconsidering the role of the architect, his/her tools and suggesting ways which robots can co-exist in the construction of today

  • Drone Flight

    Strategic Scanning

  • Pointcloud Analysis

    Neural Network Filtering Raw Images

  • Rebuild Pointcloud

    Highlight Areas of Interest

Neural Network’s Filtering

  • Layer 01

    Depth z/2

  • Layer02


  • Segmented Pointcloud

    Pointcloud layering according to function

Constructing Cognition is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Cataloniadeveloped at Master in Robotics and Advanced Construction in 2019 by:Students: Alexandros Varvantakis, Cedric Droogmans and Luis Jaume Buerda, Abdelarhman Koura : Aldo Sollazo, Raimund Krenmueller

Structural Twists


robotic assemblies